
The Latest News in Conservation

B&C Supports America's Conservation Enhancement Act

The Honorable John Barrasso
Chairman, Committee on Environment & Public Works
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Thomas Carper
Ranking Member, Committee on Environment & Public Works
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510


Chairman Barrasso and Ranking Member Carper:

The Boone and Crockett Club, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, Mule Deer Foundation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Safari Club International, and Wild Sheep Foundation represent sportsmen and other conservationists who write to express our enthusiasm and gratitude for the introduction and swift Committee consideration of S. 3051, the America’s Conservation Enhancement Act.

We are grateful for the strong bipartisan support on the Environment and Public Works Committee and will assist in recommending the same bipartisanship for Senate passage.

The ACE Act provides important benefits to conservation including continuation of key programs and new ideas and funding for present conservation challenges. We thank you particularly for provisions of direct interest to us:

Establishment of a U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service-led task force to address the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). This disease is a persistent and growing threat to one of the greatest species conservation achievements in the world. Deer, elk, and moose were restored during the last century by the concerted efforts of sportsmen and state wildlife agencies. We are working closely together now to protect these species from the growing losses to CWD, which has been detected in 26 states and continues to spread. We need the coordinated help of the Departments of Interior and Agriculture to join the effort for a complete approach toward solving it.

Establishment of a grant program to compensate livestock producers. The cost of non- lethal preventative measures against losses due to predation by wolves and grizzly bears, and the cost of losses that occur, threaten the margins that keep producers in business. Federal assistance with these costs is good policy. It promotes partnerships in conflict resolution and pairs precaution with indemnity.

Thank you for leading the development and reporting to the Senate of this bill to advance conservation. Sportsmen will help rally all conservationists to support this wide-ranging package. We look forward to working with and assisting you to pass the America’s Conservation Enhancement Act.


Boone and Crockett Club * Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation * Mule Deer Foundation Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation * Safari Club International * Wild Sheep Foundation